Finding a Vehicle With a High Safety Rating If you are in the market to purchase a vehicle, one of the things to look for is a vehicle with a high safety rating. Fortunately, we have two major rating companies to help with that aspect of the search. The first of the two companies is… Read more »
January 31, 2022
Determining Liability If You Slip and Fall on an Icy Sidewalk in New York New York winters are notoriously harsh, with below-freezing temperatures, sleet, and heavy snowfall. These conditions can make sidewalks and entrance ways particularly dangerous. When business owners fail to adequately maintain their property during the winter months, they must be held accountable… Read more »
January 26, 2022
A Sobering Reminder Winter driving is more than just knowing how to deal with snow. As commuters realized earlier this month, the real threat is ice. Many of us experienced the dangerous driving conditions on Wednesday, January 5, when all of Westchester County encountered an ice storm starting in the early morning hours. Unfortunately, there… Read more »
January 19, 2022
A Familiar Problem We all try to stay attentive, obey the rules of the road, and practice defensive driving when we get behind the wheel. Any deviation from this practice may cause an accident. This is even true for truck drivers. An error made behind the wheel of a truck has the opportunity to become… Read more »
January 08, 2022
According to the Cleveland Clinic, a non-profit academic medical center and leader in research, education and health information, the human back and spine is made up of a complex system of bones, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves. It also houses the spinal cord, one of the most delicate and vulnerable structures in the human body.… Read more »
December 13, 2021